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Quality over quantity

The social network for NFTs

NFTBee is a community curated and smart app for NFT collectors, whales, and creatives

neftbee mobile app
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Begin socializing through digital assets stored in your blockchain connected wallets

mobile wallet nft app

Get verified wallets added to your NFTBEE app

Integrate your wallet into the NFTBEE app and start posting your NFTs from there

NFTBee - a trusted community

We believe in valued content. To ensure the high quality of digital assets on NFTBee, the app is designed by invitation only. Each member gets 2 invitation links to share with a trusted community to ensure sophisticated community curated growth.

nftbee published nfts
nftbee published nfts
nftbee features

Why NFTBee

With our app, you get multiple free features that are helpful to your promotional aspirations


Added Privacy

Decide who views your NFTs by making them public or private, based on your personal preference


Share to other platforms

Promote your NFTs by sharing them with your friends and social circle using other platforms


Tag other people

Saw an impressive NFT? Let others know by tagging them in the comments under an NFT post


Build value

Bees turn nectar into honey, adding value through their work. NFTBEE helps users add value to their NFTs in sharing them with a like-minded community.


Protect your assets

Bees are protective of their hive and its contents. NFTBEE, with its verification feature via WalletConnect, ensures that users' NFTs are safeguarded and authenticated.


Show your NFTs

Just as bees collect unique nectar from flowers, you gather unique digital assets from creators power. LFG – let's enjoy your rare finds with NFTBEE.


client avatar

Cyber Maja

Wise President

client avatar

Cyber Willi of the Tulip

Ecosystem Catalyst

client avatar

Cyber Flip

The Tech Hopper